Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The most scary thing i've done since being in Bahrain!
I had my haircut!
Before I tell you about my experience I want to put forward an idea to help ex-pat women across the globe: Hairdressers Sans Frontiers. A group of philanthropic trained Toni & Guy hairdressers fly to ex-pat hot-spots and train the scary Filipino/Thai/Vietnamese people, for the simple pleasure of knowing that ex-pats deserve good hair.
I would like to explain now that my haircut is very good, a little lopsided in a trendy kinda way. Basically, I don't need fly home to get it sorted out, or indeed visit another salon in Bahrain.
My hair had been a mess for a very long time and I had just been prolonging the inevitable. Motivated by the fact that I had nothing else to do today (more holidays) I picked up the phone and called Elegant Salon in the Ramee (Yes, Mary and James the same hotel where Cosmos is.) I was already terrified and when nobody understood the word 'haircut' I was a wreck. Still they said 'come now' and I did.
I entered through a wooden door with a faded sign informing me that the Elegant Salon is to my left. Once through, I saw a glass door with what I can only describe as etchings in a dynamic, trendy font. My spirits rose a little and I thought 'maybe this is a real salon after all.' All this hope is cruelly dashed when you walk in. There were three people in the lilac emporium. They all work there. They were so excited to see me that they stop giving each other pedicures turned off the TV and put on a mix tape of the Filipino cover band that play downstairs in Rock Bottom.
The place looks like a ten year old girls bedroom. Pink flowered wallpaper and lilac paint peeling from the walls. From my vantage point I could see some festering laundry and a kind of medieval contrapcion where I assume one has beauty treatments. I was then barked at in Vietnameese, I guessed correctly to sit down in the chair. Ice cold water was then poured over my head whilst a thoughtful woman then inflicted some kind of torture upon my scalp. I later learnt that this was a Vietnamese head massage. Brutal is to delicate a word. They are a cruel race.
Once I had ordered my style from the menu, and used the international sign language to indicate how short I wanted (Always remembering to gesture a good two inches longer than where you really want it.) the cut was relatively painless.
Then came the blow dry. Not one, not two, but indeed three woman started to yank my hair in every direction possible. One managing to give me second degree burns and squealing 'Bad hair. Will not stay down, I use heat.'
For this pleasure I paid 5BD, about £7, a tenth of what I would normally pay at home. As an after thought the kind lady grabbed my tits and hollered 'Two in one. Big boobies.'
I will be going back to Elegant Salon for the compliments and comfort, style and service. Better the devil you know...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
what i did on my holidays - educational and entertaining: Infotainment
OK, morning folks
so at the moment it is ashura. as such, we get 2 days of work. Heidi actually has two weeks and the the fact that we are going to Abu Dhabi is by the by. At the moment we are enjoying 2 days off work, whilst the Shia mourn for the fallen son, Hussein, who was killed in battle by what would become the Sunni.
anyway, to commemorate the killing, the Shia men parade in the street, beating themselves. In Juffair, it was largely symbolic - they beat they chests only. But elsewhere, it can get pretty nasty as the flaglate themselves with chains.
follow the link for video.
the caption at the end of the vid, refers to this photo.
all in all, i think it is fair to say that they experience was odd. They do this great mounful thing which both preceded and followed by great celebrations with lots of tea and cake.
Tea fans: you will be glad to know that i have found a form of tea that i like. It is very milky, very sweet and made with cardamom. Lovely.
I got invited around an exhibition that showed in detailed exactly how the great Hussain was slain and then, after going to get Heidi, we were invited to sit with some locals and eat aforementioned cake and some really good curry.
The experiences was interesting, but overwhelming.
this truly is a bizarre place to be living.
more photos
For a better explanation of what ashura is, go here:
and for photos of ashura in Manama last year, go here:
Monday, January 29, 2007
an update from the field
Morning all,
I interviewed Colin Montgomery yesterday. With a steaming hangover – the night before there was something of a magazine completion cocktail fest at trader Vic’s at the Ritz Carlton in which all present drank all present’s combined body mass in fruity sweet rum goodness – I asked the Yorkshire based Scottish golf phenomenon questions of great importance; questions like: do you consider the environment when designing a new golf course; Where does the water come from to keep its greens lush and most importantly, why should I start playing golf? Sell it to me. Afterward, a guy from Reuters came up to me, said; you haven’t been doing this very long have you?
The march of the lizards continues. In illuminati studies it is widely document that the gulf region was where they started; that the bloodlines first merged in
Heidi has almost certainly been promoted. Her boss has advised her that if she is not given the promotion next year, she should leave. Assuming that it all comes through, the currently plan is this: to separate the wheat from the chaff in the English department, to encourage the moving on of those that are useless, to sack if necessary and to bring in a crack commando squad formed from imports and associates found in Bahrain and basically create the best English department in Bahrain. Heidi will insist upon being involved in any recruitment process and have say over working practices, meaning those that remain assuming that their current work rate will remain acceptable will almost certainly have resigned by the winter break. She can be quite ruthless when she wants to be. I love her all the more for it. She has a determination that is very alluring.
I am having an existential crisis. Yes, another one. This is a brief retelling of what, I hope, will be the leader in our March issue. Since grabbing booze by the balls and twisting –and yes I know I am not there yet, but I am not drinking every day and even when I am drinking on consecutive days, it is more likely to be a beer, or even a glass of wine with a meal and cessation; something that I was just not capable of at home – I have begun to question my outward presentation to the world. That is, for the first time in my life, I am beginning to care about the first impressions formed in the collective minds of the world. It is perhaps just because I am more sober that this matters, but more likely it is our inclusion in to a circle of the rich and influential, that has driven me toward this questioning stance. The piece, provisionally titled, “Of men’s apparel and the desire to change” will be an attempt to explain the psychological pressures upon man to conform to a gender role that is perpetually one step ahead of him. It is not decided by him, and he spends his life forever trying to catch up. And whilst, I accept that, for women this has been the status quo for centuries, I think, that for men, this is, if not completely new, then something that has been forgotten since perhaps the Victorian era. Fashions have of course changed and been followed, but the sense that I have now, is that fashion is ore than just about clothes, and for the first time in a very long time, men’s apparel is being used to define a new image of man. As a virgin to this, I wish to explore. I also want a new wardrobe and will use the piece as a means to getting a make over.
Musically, this month I strongly recommend K’naan and Jamie T. I have also been listening to The Coral, The Editors, Kings of Leon and The Good the Bad and the Queen.
If I can get it to work from home, see below for some links to video of Heidi dancing. We were at jj’s for a quiet drink until we got embroiled in an arab birthday party. Inevitably we started dancing…
The videos are a bit rubbish and if you are at work I strongly recommend turning the sound off on your PC, la bamba through a bad mic!! There are others, but you get the idea.
Picture wise, not very much to report. I keep forgetting to take pictures, and then, when I do remember, I continually forget to take good ones.
That’s about it, I guess. Christmas great and NYE odd - but good - but they both see so far away now to warrant further discussion.
But we are both, I think - I know I am – loving
Life is strange, but when it works, it is the best thing in the world. I say this with a poignancy that I have only just realised; my sojourn to
Keep on truckin’
BIG love
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Slips and the Senate
I recommend wearing a slip to stop your skirt sticking to your tights, also they cover any awkward lumps and bumps. Try it, you will be suprised.
Now more importantly the race for the white house is on!!!! Very excited. Now forgive me if you know all this, i'm sure the hound and the guardian have been keeping you informed, but I feel ahead of the game with my CNN/GMA knowledge. Its looking like a race between Barack Obama, Ill. and Hils. NY for democratic candidacy. Obama's increasing public appearances are putting pressure on Hils to announce her intention to run. I am finding this all very exciting and am again watching CNN avidly each morning at 5.00. Obama has little experience but is a classic American Dream, former attorney, married, two young girls, never cheated on his wife. Also he is popular because he was partly responsible for bringing in new tax relief laws for working families. Hils, on the other hand, rocks my world. I love her, and would also quite like to be a fly on the wall if she does get in, I think the conversation between her and hubby would be most amusing.
Go here:
According to SelectSmart me and Obama have a 100% political ideals match. (can't help but think these are just more grown up versions of the love matching thing.)
Of course the only person the Republicans could field who stood a chance of beating a black man or a woman is a black woman. Step forward Ms. Rice.
Mary I also demand that you come over for election night. We are very lucky being 8 hours ahead of NY in that we can get up and watch in the morning. No having to stay up all night only for the result to be inconclusive.
Bring it on!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Flickr: Explore everyone's geotagged photos on a Map
OK People, it is a very slow day at work.....
So I have kinda been using Flickr a lot recently, to be fair to me, some of it has been for work, but just now - see how quickly i have picked up the South African - i have been geo tagging our photo's.
if you follow the above link and filter by group, or by cons and ho, you will be able to follow our photos around the world. It doesn't make them better photo's or more interesting, but is kinda cool all the same.
If you can be arsed, and you have the time, start geo tagging as you post and we will be able to see where we go as a unit over time.
i'm such a geek!
BBC SPORT | Other Sport... | Darts | Dutch trio defect to PDC circuit
Ok - so we all know that Darts is the greatest sporting spectacle there is. Except maybe a relegation battle with a team your are supporting - yes yes, i am aware that Leeds are looking like another one this season, but i say, a relegation battle would be a positive. It looks like we are just going down.... And maybe the rugby beats it, but its ouside and its cold.
But Darts is great man. Its indoors, you get to shout and jump, drink beer and smoke.
But i fear for darts. Or at least darts on the beeb. How many plays does the BDO need to have a championship at lake side every year?
once again money is robbing sport of its accessibility. Sky is a wonderful thing, but darts man, it belongs on the beeb.
In other news: This is just wicked, Nano technology, even faster computers.... heaven in a half pipe!
having a slow work day.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Darts and global warming
so I have mailed this to some of you already, but for those of you a little shy about your love of darts, i thought I'd post the link to a rather amusing section of the BBC website. That way, all you closet darters can have a sneeky look and i will never find out about it.
It details darts commentary over the years and even this cursory selection, i think, contains the seeds of a sociology essay...
Something along the lines of, education as hindrance to darting power: a case study in working class attitudes to being seen as a bit of a ponce.
On global warming, the darts is on telly, so it must be cold, right? Not so - as I'm sure you are aware.
I live in the desert, and found the video posted here
particularly home sick making, but the blog goes on to say that it is not cold there either.
What happened to snow and frost and walks home from places that, once you got in side, would make your ears buzz as they warmed up? What happened to loosing feeling in you feet and then having a bath and feeling them thaw and realising that actually it hurts to be that cold, but only when you are warming up.
anyway - work to do now.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
we're so in love... we've even bought electrical items
so, last night in spirit of the annual January detox, me and the ho are having smoothies for breakfast and soups for lunch. To expedite this healthy life plan, last night we went out and purchased a blender and a new hand mixer.
Hurrah!, this morning was to be the first day if the rest of our lives.
However, this was not to be. At Heidi's 5AM alarm, we were alerted to the sound of running water.
Not being very brave, or very awake at that time of the night, heidi woke me up demanding i investigate this strange bahraini intruder, the type that breaks in and turns on taps, but leaves the nearly 2000 dinar we have in flat unmolested.
thankfully, there was no intruder, instead there was a gushing hot water tank. Spilling as it was, all of the kitchen, it soon knocked out the electricity.
as such, i am going to work, unshowered - they had to drain the hot water tank to fix it - and grumpy.
wishing you all a good day.
Monday, January 08, 2007
The animals came in two by two - Hurrah, Hurrah
I read the blog with great amusement, and then I had the following dream.
Heidi and Tim were having their going away party (again) but this time it was at Tim's parents house. All the people who were at the non-dream party were there, but Tim's departed grandmother was also there, and so were some of the old faces from GX.
The next part I think was influenced by Tim's account of travelling with cats, but Tim and Heidi was planning to transport all their animals to Bahrain, and had got their little travel crates ready.
Alongside Arthur and Kofi, were mother and baby koalas, 2 ponies that were cat-sized, 2 lion cubs, 2 baby hippos, a pack of huskies, a variety of sheep and piglets and some of those lizards that have been known to eat children.
I would like to thank Heidi and Tim for allowing me the opportunity to cuddle a baby koala.