Wednesday, January 10, 2007

we're so in love... we've even bought electrical items

Morning all,

so, last night in spirit of the annual January detox, me and the ho are having smoothies for breakfast and soups for lunch. To expedite this healthy life plan, last night we went out and purchased a blender and a new hand mixer.

Hurrah!, this morning was to be the first day if the rest of our lives.

However, this was not to be. At Heidi's 5AM alarm, we were alerted to the sound of running water.

Not being very brave, or very awake at that time of the night, heidi woke me up demanding i investigate this strange bahraini intruder, the type that breaks in and turns on taps, but leaves the nearly 2000 dinar we have in flat unmolested.

thankfully, there was no intruder, instead there was a gushing hot water tank. Spilling as it was, all of the kitchen, it soon knocked out the electricity.

as such, i am going to work, unshowered - they had to drain the hot water tank to fix it - and grumpy.

wishing you all a good day.



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