Saturday, January 20, 2007

Slips and the Senate

Hello all, this one is largely for the moo.

I recommend wearing a slip to stop your skirt sticking to your tights, also they cover any awkward lumps and bumps. Try it, you will be suprised.

Now more importantly the race for the white house is on!!!! Very excited. Now forgive me if you know all this, i'm sure the hound and the guardian have been keeping you informed, but I feel ahead of the game with my CNN/GMA knowledge. Its looking like a race between Barack Obama, Ill. and Hils. NY for democratic candidacy. Obama's increasing public appearances are putting pressure on Hils to announce her intention to run. I am finding this all very exciting and am again watching CNN avidly each morning at 5.00. Obama has little experience but is a classic American Dream, former attorney, married, two young girls, never cheated on his wife. Also he is popular because he was partly responsible for bringing in new tax relief laws for working families. Hils, on the other hand, rocks my world. I love her, and would also quite like to be a fly on the wall if she does get in, I think the conversation between her and hubby would be most amusing.

Go here:

According to SelectSmart me and Obama have a 100% political ideals match. (can't help but think these are just more grown up versions of the love matching thing.)

Of course the only person the Republicans could field who stood a chance of beating a black man or a woman is a black woman. Step forward Ms. Rice.

Mary I also demand that you come over for election night. We are very lucky being 8 hours ahead of NY in that we can get up and watch in the morning. No having to stay up all night only for the result to be inconclusive.

Bring it on!


Blogger MaryMoo said...

I'm trying not to get too excited about the US elections, at least not yet, after I managed to convince myself that Kerry was going to edge it in 2004. Never has one person read so many opinion polls so subjectively. I can deal with the despair - it's the hope that kills me.

No doubt I will be doing exactly the same thing this time, and producing lots of exciting handouts full of dissections of percentage points and analysis of swing patterns (even if I have to e-mail them to Bahrain - although watching the election there certainly would have its advantages).

I too love the Hils, although I would also happily get behind Obama. Some interesting early poll results can be found here:,,1995778,00.html

I can also recommend the NY Times website [] for good political coverage. If you really fancy disappearing down the rabbit hole of poll-obsession, I found a really got website which provides analysis of the analysis. I will endeavour to remember the name of it, at least before 2008.

As for the slips: as the only skirts I ever wear are suit skirts (lining built in) and denim minis (significant danger of slip-underhang) I will have to take your word for it. I'm loving the whole ladylike approach though. I hope you're going to adopt the liberty bodice as your next move.

M x

5:51 pm  

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