Monday, January 29, 2007

an update from the field

Morning all,

So it’s been a while since I blogged, since anyone blogged. I know Heidi has posted but her missive was perhaps of limited interest, certainly it was a niche publication. That is not to criticise, but this morning I have the urge to update, advise and give appraisal of news items.

In no particular order:

I interviewed Colin Montgomery yesterday. With a steaming hangover – the night before there was something of a magazine completion cocktail fest at trader Vic’s at the Ritz Carlton in which all present drank all present’s combined body mass in fruity sweet rum goodness – I asked the Yorkshire based Scottish golf phenomenon questions of great importance; questions like: do you consider the environment when designing a new golf course; Where does the water come from to keep its greens lush and most importantly, why should I start playing golf? Sell it to me. Afterward, a guy from Reuters came up to me, said; you haven’t been doing this very long have you?

As I mentioned, we have just finished out 50th issue of the magazine, which means that I have been working really long days for the past week. Heidi, has been working silly hours. We reckon that in the latter half of January, we have been averaging 12 hour days. The hours made up by either starting work at five – me – or staying way beyond the advertised end of day of our respective employers – Heidi – and as such have decided that we are indeed in need of a mini break. To that end, on Thursday, we are off to Abu Dhabi for a few days. There we plan to as little as possible whilst taking in the proper desert that rolls there like great waves of hot toffee and the sea, a proper sea without manmade enhancements. In Bahrain, we have till not seen a single foot of not constructed shore line. We are told it exists, but it exists in the southern half of the island where we – mere mortals – are not permitted. Half the island is private land, reserved for the king and for the Sunni power brokers who keep this island poor and filled with expats. It is an exclusive retreat to the extent that when Google earth up its detail level of the area, the authorities blocked access to the site because they did not see the need for anyone with an internet connection to able to zoom in their opulent surrounds. It was election time, and the Shia were gaining ground. Media savvy politicos were post links to the satellite images of the grand palaces and asking if it was fair that they lived like this when the majority lived in poverty. Over 20 blogs were blocked as well.

The march of the lizards continues. In illuminati studies it is widely document that the gulf region was where they started; that the bloodlines first merged in Mesopotamia and the evidence of this hybrids existence is rife in the women of the region. Not all of them by any means, but this month, starting on New Years Eve, we have met countless, long fingered reptilian people. They are skinny beyond belief, tall and maintain faces that belie no emotion whatsoever. They are cold and evil and destined to produce spurn that will further the cause of creating a new world order that will enslave the majority in the pursuit of even greater wealth and power. They are parasites and thoroughly unpleasant. Unfortunately, it is through one of our friends that we have encountered these beings. I write this, confused.

Heidi has almost certainly been promoted. Her boss has advised her that if she is not given the promotion next year, she should leave. Assuming that it all comes through, the currently plan is this: to separate the wheat from the chaff in the English department, to encourage the moving on of those that are useless, to sack if necessary and to bring in a crack commando squad formed from imports and associates found in Bahrain and basically create the best English department in Bahrain. Heidi will insist upon being involved in any recruitment process and have say over working practices, meaning those that remain assuming that their current work rate will remain acceptable will almost certainly have resigned by the winter break. She can be quite ruthless when she wants to be. I love her all the more for it. She has a determination that is very alluring.

I am having an existential crisis. Yes, another one. This is a brief retelling of what, I hope, will be the leader in our March issue. Since grabbing booze by the balls and twisting –and yes I know I am not there yet, but I am not drinking every day and even when I am drinking on consecutive days, it is more likely to be a beer, or even a glass of wine with a meal and cessation; something that I was just not capable of at home – I have begun to question my outward presentation to the world. That is, for the first time in my life, I am beginning to care about the first impressions formed in the collective minds of the world. It is perhaps just because I am more sober that this matters, but more likely it is our inclusion in to a circle of the rich and influential, that has driven me toward this questioning stance. The piece, provisionally titled, “Of men’s apparel and the desire to change” will be an attempt to explain the psychological pressures upon man to conform to a gender role that is perpetually one step ahead of him. It is not decided by him, and he spends his life forever trying to catch up. And whilst, I accept that, for women this has been the status quo for centuries, I think, that for men, this is, if not completely new, then something that has been forgotten since perhaps the Victorian era. Fashions have of course changed and been followed, but the sense that I have now, is that fashion is ore than just about clothes, and for the first time in a very long time, men’s apparel is being used to define a new image of man. As a virgin to this, I wish to explore. I also want a new wardrobe and will use the piece as a means to getting a make over.

Musically, this month I strongly recommend K’naan and Jamie T. I have also been listening to The Coral, The Editors, Kings of Leon and The Good the Bad and the Queen.

If I can get it to work from home, see below for some links to video of Heidi dancing. We were at jj’s for a quiet drink until we got embroiled in an arab birthday party. Inevitably we started dancing…

The videos are a bit rubbish and if you are at work I strongly recommend turning the sound off on your PC, la bamba through a bad mic!! There are others, but you get the idea.

Picture wise, not very much to report. I keep forgetting to take pictures, and then, when I do remember, I continually forget to take good ones.

That’s about it, I guess. Christmas great and NYE odd - but good - but they both see so far away now to warrant further discussion.

As an adjunct to my mention of long long days, sometimes I do things in the morning, and when thinking about them later on, they seem like another country. I am aware of the plagiarism in describing it thus, but it is also true. If the morning feels like another country, it is time to take a break.

But we are both, I think - I know I am – loving Bahrain and despite working harder than I have since I first started at Spring and on my career path, for far far less money, we are both loving our jobs.

Life is strange, but when it works, it is the best thing in the world. I say this with a poignancy that I have only just realised; my sojourn to Brighton was in grave error and I am glad that for now – and inshalla, forever - that really is another country.

Keep on truckin’

BIG love



Blogger MaryMoo said...

Cons, that post made me want to give you a big wet (yet entirely platonic) kiss.

Missing you both lots

Da Moo x

7:15 pm  
Blogger Clee-J said...

Hello, can't work out how to post a blog because I is thicko. Why can't I just press a button??? I'm in a mood now. Anyway Tim, an e-mail to explain would go down well.
Glad all is well, I'm into all this lizard shit, yeah baby. Gonna keep on tryingxxx

5:38 pm  

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