Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Truth in science

morning all,

no further pleasantries today I'm afraid, I'm incensed

what the hell is this?

and what is it doing in my schools?

I have just learned that this bunch of chancers are providing content to schools and asking for it to be taught along side evolutionary theory. How can this be?

The enlightenment ensured the swift and seamless transition from one set of incomprehensible jargon to another, funkier set; one filled with measurements and proof as opposed to superstitions and beliefs.

And without wanting to get too simplistic about it, the old system was just fine. Laugh at creationists in the same way you laugh at Flat Earth’ers and feign a comprehension of how Darwin’s theorem actually works in order to look cool and clever at parties where such matter would be discussed.

I fear for the children. They're not very clever, most of them and now this bunch of reprobates wants them to consider two opposing sets of incomprehensible jargon.

It's utter lunacy.

anyway, that's it for the now.




Blogger Tim Heidi Arthur Kofi X said...

ah - i see the back lash has begun and in formidable company too.


for further inspiration.

12:49 pm  
Blogger MaryMoo said...

This makes me very cross.

These are two alternative methods of deciding what you believe. You are either persuaded by Proof (i.e. by looking at evidence) or by Faith (i.e. being told by a man with a white beard and just bloody accepting it). It's kind of up to you which one you prefer (although you may be wrong - but that's another argument...). But dressing the latter up as the former is just plain ridiculous. Creationism isn't anything to do with science.

This is no better than people who say, "Conventional science bad; homeopathy/craniosacral therapy etc. good" and then proceed to try and justify their new age mumbo jumbo with pseudo-scientific terminology. Or try and flog you shampoo with pictures of little vitamin pills being absorbed into your hair shaft. The only satisfying thing about it is that these crackpots are implicitly accepting the superiority of Science over Faith as the basis of belief.

But it is much more sinister when this rubbish finds its way into the classroom. Because it is bloody important that people learn and understand enough about Proper Science to realise when they're being flogged Bogus Science.

I'm not even sure that presenting Christianity as an alternative theory to Darwinism would be acceptable to a lot of Christians. Surely they don't see it as just a hypothesis up for discussion?

And while we're at it, why not cover the non-Abrahamic creation myths as well? How about the Platonic theory of the Demiurge? Why shouldn't the kids learn about Brahma growing in a lotus in the navel of Vishnu? Oh wait, they do... in RE.

Grr. Think I'm probably preaching to the converted on this enlightened blog, though.

6:25 pm  

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