Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bahrain calling Britain

Bahrain calling Britain

Hi guys

Sorry Heidi hasn't been well, hope you are feeling better now. The cake looked pretty yummy so hopefully it lived up to its' appearance.

If you think it's cold over there imagine this, sitting in the dark (because we don't have curtains up and I can't stand people looking in) innocently reading your e-mail, when suddenly the whole room is lit by lightening followed immediately by thunder that actually made the house shake - this happened twice in very quick succession. That over we went to bed and slept, only to wake up to torrential rain, floods and then just to cap it all, hailstones. And that was just today!!

All is fine in dull, grey, Southampton. Riff are playing about a million gigs between now and Christmas and people are actually phoning them to book them rather than me begging for bookings. Also, get this, another musician phoned Bob to ask his advice about getting gigs and setting up a website, theirs is if you are interested.

Sophie has booked her trip to Canada to carry out whale and dolphin conservation work next year so she is very excited about that, but what really got her excited was seeing Michael Jackson at the World Music Awards on Wednesday followed by standing all night outside his hotel in the pouring rain just to see him come out onto his balcony. He did order them pizza so I suppose he has some heart.

Norwich Union are making 200 people redundant in Eastleigh, Phil and Rob have already lost their jobs and my department gets the big news on 5th December - if they want to pay me for 14 years of sweat and toil I say bring it on!

Anyway, all is well here, hope you are all well and Kofi has stopped climbing the curtain rail.

Love Liz/Mum xxxx


Blogger Chris.Lyddiatt said...

re : the lighting the other day .

I heard that lightning . it actually knocked things of a shelve. i thought they were firing cannons down at the docks .

regards chris ( tims` brother )

2:30 pm  

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