Friday, November 10, 2006

POSH parties, Amercan servicemen, cold weather and TESCO phones.

Hello All,

Thought I would fill you in on various Bahrain type events. We have been living the high life recently now that we have friends. Last Friday we went to the rather cool POSH party. Electrics and booze beside a pool, not usualy a good combination, but suprisingly no injuries or fatalaties. The pool was located on the top floor of the Mercure hotel in the Al Seef district. We got there just as the sun was setting and the views over the mall, across to the souk and then to the desert the other way were quite stunning. The music was cool and the free pnch was good touch. Tim and I are going to try to replicate the event this Thursday when we have our own private pool party. I think this one could be a little more messy!

After the pool party we headed to Rock Bottom. The first time Tim and I went we had been for a few drinks down the Al Saf before. We were searched on our way in which didn't seem particularly unusual. Inside we were surrounded by these young boys seventeen or eighteen, twenty at the most, and we commented on how these must be the sons of the servicemen from the American naval base. As the drinks kept comming (it was ladies night) it dawned on us that we had not been searched for drugs, but bombs, and these were not the sons of the servicemen but the servicemen themselves. Anyway, the Americans this week were going mad and there was a sense that they were leaving Bahrain (we had noticed other signs; cars up for sale etc) it was an unreal atmosphere, a privilege in someways to witness this bond between them and a sadness as we had no idea whether they were going home or going to Iraq or just going somewhere else. Its a horrible thought that your neighbours are leaving for a war zone. When CNN is your only news source things become a little distorted but your concept of the human toll of things becomes a little clearer.

Anyway, this weekend I have the plague or general malaise anyway. I slept until 10, which was nearly a whole extra nights sleep for me! Then went downstairs by the pool, which is nearly too cold to swim in, but the sauna is now working so we are not that bothered. The weather is much colder than it was, and today, I walked around in a long-sleeved top for warmth as opposed to modesty. Of course when I say cold I mean the early-thirties. I cannot imagine cold weather anymore and I think Tim and I are only going to be able to visit the UK in the summer.

The cats are looking cuter than ever at the moment. Kofi jumped up on to the curtain rail yesterday and I could hear Arthur saying 'Mum's watching Kof, get down you're going to get into trouble, what's it like up there? No I can't i'll never make it i'm too big. Get down, she's watching you!' Tim thought the whole thing was sweet anyway...

Request: The next stage of home decorating is art work. Please send us any postcards, especially ones with lots of colour so that we can put them up. We plan on having lots of photos and postcards through the hallway.

Tim still wont let me get a maid! Grump! The Arabs are still lazy! I see flamingoes on my way to work!!!

Please send us your TESCO phone numbers.

Lots of love...



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