7 nights 7 raves
Long time no blog. I have just returned from my annual, week long drum and bass excersion to Spain! I danced for 7 nights in a row, boozed all day and slept very little. My favorite beverage was strawberry daquari made with ice cream...yummy. I can't believe that I still love raving so much, after all these years. Sure, I am grown up and responsible and all, but there is still a party animal inside me. And no matter how much I hold back from drinking at home, there is no doubt that I still love a good booze up. My poor body. I'm studying paramedic science and know exactly how much strain I've just put on my body. A little bit of knowlege is a dangerous thing. So I'm ignoring all of this and just thinking f***k it, you only live once. Love to all and sundry.