Friday, May 25, 2007

This internet thing

For many of you this will come as no surprise, but i'm going to say it again anyway; this internet thing is scary and evil. As far as I can tell this facebook malarky is a way for derranged exes to continue to stalk their victims and to imagine that they still have some role in your life. If it isn't derranged exes filling up you friendship book then it is people that you lost touch with a long time ago. People lose touch for a reason. I mean, who really wants to get back in touch with a colleague that they never contacted after they left the company? I don't like this 'small world' business, I prefer the wider, more anonymous one where I don't have to worry about exes, strange co-workers and people that I met in clubs 10 years ago trying to get in touch. Take the hint, I didn't want to talk to you before and I don't want to talk to you now!

Well i'm on the subject, secondlife. Surely for freaks and weirdos yes? The only possible thing I cfould imagine using secondlife for, I cannot do, creating a virtual classroom, since you ask. I can vaguely understand its benefits for work avoidance, but is it really necessary for it to be so huge?

I find these things very disturbing. I like real life with, with real transactions between real people who I want to see.


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