Thursday, September 14, 2006

random night out

Morning folks,

So, last night then. Probably our first truly random night out in Bahrain. And what is even better is that if I can get the technology to bend to my will, I have video footage of it too. Inshala, later on today, you will marvel at the sight of mz Arnold singing her little socks off in an absolutely empty karaoke lounge. That's right folks, we have found the karaoke. And just like the dolphin, it is just over the road.


So, let me paint you a picture.

Me and the Ho, a massive wide screen plasma screen, a DVD karaoke kit and a remote control. No one else in the room, just us sing badly for the entertainment of our selves. Most bizarre.

add to that the fact that these Thai/Vietnamese waitresses wearing what can only be described as cheerleader wear constantly coming in to check us for drinks, or to sell us really cool shots in test tubes and it all gets a bit messy.

This all happens at the Rammee international, in the cosmos bar just over the road from the flat. Other treats include sheesha's which Heidi is addicted too - well, I got one once, and she smoked most of it - multiple pool tables and countless Thai/Vietnamese sharking the US serviceman and probably providing other entertainments later on.

In the Rammee, you also have an Arabic night club, which Heidi is not allowed into. I may not be either, but Heidi definitely not. Then there is the bollywood cafe - an experience not to be missed. And down stairs there are two night clubs that we have to be brave enough to check out.

Mary and Jimbo, as our first guests, you have the honour of accompanying us to these fine discotheque establishments.

So, my download has almost finished which means, inshala, that I should be able to get said video footage from phone and transmit it across the continents. If I can, I will publish here, if not, check you inboxes some time soon.

I have the technology!!

go here:

Love to you all.



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